Girls' Brigade International 
ICGB 129 Anniversary celebrations - 11th June 2022


ICGB 129 Anniversary Celebration!

Saturday 11 June

Book now for The Girl Brigade International 129th Anniversary Celebrations

There will be two Zoom sessions on 11 June 2022 - 7am-9am BST and 1pm-3pm BST

These sessions are being coordinated by the Asia and Pacific Fellowships.

Join us for a time of Thanksgiving to our great God for His 129 years of Blessings.

We will be having praise and worship, songs, prayers, sermon, sharing, reading of the Word and a dance .

We will be playing recorded videos from different countries, offering different items.

As it is also our GBI International Day of Prayer, we will spend time in prayer and thanksgiving to God.

Bishop Emeritus Ong Hwai Teik from Malaysia will give the sermon.

We are privileged to have Bishop Emeritus Ong Hwai Teik of the Methodist Church in Malaysia to share with us God's Word.

The Sovereign Lord graciously called Bishop Emeritus Ong Hwai Teik into His Kingdom when he was a teenager. He then went on to serve in the Methodist Church in Malaysia and at large for almost 40 years.

He feels privileged to have been involved with the GB movement for more than three decades in various capacities. He is grateful to God for his beloved wife and daughter, who have supported him so well throughout his life and ministry.

Praise the Lord!

Join us for this celebration session on Saturday 11 June, 0700-0900 & 1300-1500 BST!

Sign up here:

(This is part of our ICGB programme but this event is open to all GB members aged 18+)


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