
The Girls' Brigade was founded in 1964. It was formed by merging of the following three bodies:
  1. The Girls' Brigade of Ireland founded in 1893.
2. The Girls' Guildry of Scotland founded in 1900.  
  3. The Girls' Life Brigade of England founded in 1902.

The Organization

In June 1968, the Girls' Brigade's Pacific Conference, Atlantic Conference and nineteen members from different countries established the Girls' Brigade International Conference in London. Now the International Conference meets every four years. The International Conference's President, Vice President, the Secretary and the Treasurer are elected from the Girls' Brigade's member countries all around the world, the terms are four years long.

In 1997, The Girls' Brigade was reorganized into five fellowships, including the 'Asian Fellowship', the 'European Fellowship', the 'African Fellowship', the 'Caribbean and American Fellowship'; and the 'Pacific Fellowship', which promote the missionary campaigns together.

The Aims of establishing the International Conference

1. To establish Girls' Brigades all around the world and promote the Girls' Brigade's missionary campaigns.
2. Protect and support the Girls' Brigades in every country all around the world.
3. Help and strengthen the Girls' Brigades' bonding among countries.



