The Friends of Girls' Brigade Hong Kong Limited

The Friends of Girls' Brigade Hong Kong Limited was established on 1 August 2007. Upholding the Girls' Brigade's objectives and maxims, the association explores and carries out missionary work, finds resources (including human resources and finance) to promote G.B.'s work, especially non-funded items and areas, cares for the whole world, goes into the communities, sets up different social networks, works for females in every class in society and spread the Gospel!

Targets of Work
Connecting and caring for G.B.'s members.
Community Service - The target service groups are women in the community and family members of G.B. members, with the service orientation of sharing Christian values and positive values.
Organizing and promoting missionary work, targeting on females and people in need.

Activities Organized
"Rebuild the New Life" 50 Days After the Sichuan Earthquake Worshiping and Sharing Conference - 23/06/2008
"Pass the Grace to You" Carnival - 13/12/2008
"Pass the Grace to You" Giving out clothes from the charity sales in the name of G.B. to Sichuan
"Act Out for Love" missionary experience tour (Sichuan) - 09/04/2009 - 13/04/2009
"G.B. 60th Challenge" Fund Raising Program - 15/03/2021-30/04/2021
Generation Connect Project - 2022-2023
website button_GBF Activity Review

Support Us
You are welcome to support "The Friends of Girls' Brigade Hong Kong Limited"; in the following ways:

Transfer your donation to the following account

Transfer your donation to the account: Hang Sang Bank Account of "The Friends of Girls' Brigade Hong Kong Limited".
Account number: 385-776265-883, and mail back the deposit slip for receipt and gratitude.

Please fill in the direct payment authorizing form and the information and mail to our organization.
Mail the crossed cheque with the heading "The Friends of Girls' Brigade Hong Kong Limited"
Address: Unit 1, G/F, Ko Chi House, Ko Yee Estate, Yau Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

**Any donation up to one hundred dollars or more can apply for tax deduction with the Inland Revenue Department with the formal receipt.

Working Plans
Plan / Service
Connecting members
1. Set up G.B. Friends Facebook.
2. Hold the G.B. Friends gatherings. 
3. To let the organization's members and non-members know more about G.B.
1. Holding G.B. Friends Weeks or other fund raising activities.
2. Running the G.B. shop for selling souvenirs and uniform items.
Promoting the Work
1. Holding missionary service trips, like 'Act Out in Love' missionary experience tour to Sichuan during Easter for visits and interflow.
2. Funding companies' missionary activities.
3. Collaborate with different agencies to develop community services and build networks.



